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Welcome to Artilux Academy!

Our Vision

To establish a highly regarded initiative in the region that drives socially responsible actions both within and outside the company, thereby enhancing the esteemed reputation of the company and the NMF group.

Our Mission

Inspire diversity by integrating all age groups into our activities at work and beyond, and by building strong partnerships with universities, schools, and organizations to encourage engagement in a variety of career choices.

Our Goals

  • Inspire young minds through diverse and engaging activities.
  • Integrate and retain the invaluable expertise of our senior employees.
  • Champion #womeninengineering to promote gender diversity and inclusion.
  • Build strong partnerships with schools, universities, and other organizations to empower future career paths.
  • Enhance the quality of life in Šiauliai city and region through various events, entertainment, and community initiatives.
  • Encourage employee engagement, foster pride in our company, share positive experiences among colleagues and maintain transparency.

Why do we use an acorn in our logo?

Artilux NMF is based in Lithuania, where the oak is a revered symbol of strength. People believe that hugging an oak or spending time near it lifts your spirits and restores skills. Today, more than 100 oaks are designated as nature monuments. The most famous is the Stelmužė Oak in the village of Stelmužė in the Zarasai district. This tree is the oldest oak in Lithuania and one of the oldest in Europe; it is 1.500 years old and is even older than Lithuania if we count the age of Lithuania from its first mention in historical sources in 1009.ⁱ

Every small acorn grows into a strong oak, just as Artilux Academy nurtures growth in everyone, supporting educational, social, and mental development. In Lithuanian, acorns are called gilės, and the acronym of this word symbolically represents our core ideas of the Academy:

  • Growth
  • Innovation
  • Learning
  • Empowering
  • Success

Our Values







Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures: Our Academy's Focus Groups





Contact us

Join us at the Academy, where every learner matters and every dream is nurtured. Together, we create a brighter society!

Contact us if you would like to learn more about Artilux Academy’s activities or to explore collaboration opportunities. Write us

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