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Code of Conduct

Artilux NMF Code of Conduct serves as a moral compass for daily activities. It clearly states the principles of conduct that everyone at the company should respect. Acting as a practical guide, it helps navigate the dilemmas professionals may have in their daily work environment and draws the line between what is recommended or acceptable and what would put the company’s reputation and other people’s trust at risk.

Complying with the Code of Conduct is mandatory for everyone acting on behalf of Artilux NMF, including executives, managers, employees, and business partners, as we are all responsible for acting ethically.

Artilux NMF success is based on a relationship of trust with clients, partners, and stakeholders. Trust is an essential building block and all employees must always be honest and straightforward. Compliance with the law is another requirement for the company and its employees.

Artilux NMF ensures that all employees work in a safe and healthy environment. They must take full responsibility for personal and professional conduct. Artilux NMF cares about its global footprint and seeks to make a positive difference.

The strength of the company lies in the people who work there. Everyone is treated with respect and equality, and valued for their diversity, unique perspectives, and contributions.

Outstanding service
Artilux NMF team delivers outstanding work. They invest in training and personal growth to meet clients’ evolving needs. Relationships with customers, partners, competitors, and other institutions are based on respect, mutual trust, honesty, professionalism, fairness, the priority of the customer’s interests, and compliance with obligations. Employees must promptly and appropriately respond to any violations of the present Code of Conduct and report them to their line manager or company director. 

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