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How Artilux Internship Program Shapes Experience of Future Engineers: Insights from our latest Intern

Artilux Academy is a place to grow for everyone. This summer, we were happy to welcome Marija Muningytė, a second-year Mechanical Engineering student from Kaunas University of Technology, as our new intern. We are happy to share Marija’s experience during this internship journey.

Diverse Project Exposure

One of the standout features of our internship program is the diverse range of projects interns are exposed to. Marija primarily focused on lighting solutions and furniture prototyping. She worked on developing a ceiling lamp and created a 3D-printed prototype of a table. Her process involved researching ideas online, selecting and refining her preferred models, creating detailed 3D visualizations, and building prototypes. The ceiling lamp was crafted in-house using real materials, specifically laser-cut birch plywood, while the table prototype was developed with a 3D printing machine.

Marija also explored other departments and brands within the NMF Group, including “ELENSEN” – the tables e-shop, designed and manufactured in-house.

Advanced Design and Prototyping

Hands-on experience is crucial for any aspiring engineer. At Artilux NMF, we ensure our interns have access to advanced design tools and prototyping technologies. Marija utilized SolidWorks to create precise and detailed drawings, showcasing her growing proficiency and attention to detail. Beyond the digital realm, she transitioned her designs into tangible prototypes using our 3D printing and laser cutting technology. This hands-on approach allowed Marija to experience the complete product development cycle, from initial concept to final creation, reinforcing the practical aspects of her theoretical knowledge.

Comprehensive Market Research

Market research is an integral part of our internship program. Marija conducted detailed studies on various types of tables and lighting solutions and applied them to her product development strategy. This research not only honed her analytical skills but also deepened her understanding of market dynamics and consumer preferences.

Why Choose Artilux NMF for your Internship?

Artilux Academy’s internship program provides an environment that is both supportive and challenging, ensuring our interns gain the most from their experience. We focus on the inclusion of all age groups and different professional experiences and seek to be a place where everyone can grow and develop their skills.

  • Mentorship and Support: our interns are guided by experienced mentors. Dedicated mentorship is crucial for their professional growth, helping them navigate their career paths effectively and with confidence.
  • Collaborative Environment: We foster a collaborative and team-oriented atmosphere where interns feel valued and supported. This environment not only enhances their learning experience but also ensures they can contribute meaningfully to our projects. The collaborative spirit at Artilux NMF is a cornerstone of our culture and a key driver of our success.
  • Early Career Opportunities: we open our doors to interns at an earlier stage in their academic journey.

We believe in creating a nurturing and supportive environment for young professionals. Our internship program is designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and industry demands, preparing interns for successful careers in engineering and manufacturing.

For more insights into our internship program and opportunities at Artilux NMF, visit our internship page and follow us on social media.

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